You are currently viewing 14 PostDoctoral Positions at Texas A&M University US

14 PostDoctoral Positions at Texas A&M University US

Texas A&M University offers postdoctoral opportunities across various research areas. If you’re interested in advancing your academic career, explore the details of these fellowships and apply soon!

Postdoctoral Position in Chemistry

Department: Department of Chemistry
Summary: Participate in high-pressure materials characterization and mechanochemistry research with Dr. Alison Altman and Dr. James Batteas. Responsibilities include manuscript writing, proposal development, and mentoring graduate students.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

For more opportunities, visit Scholarship River

Postdoctoral Position in Establishing the C-HEaRT Center

Department: C-HEaRT Center
Summary: Collaborate on interdisciplinary research to establish the C-HEaRT center, focusing on transportation, equity, and resilience. Assist with team-building activities and pilot studies for a forthcoming NIH grant proposal.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Aging Research

Summary: Manage community programs and research protocols related to aging. Analyze data and disseminate findings through publications and presentations to a national audience.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics

Department: Health Science Center, School of Medicine
Summary: Conduct experiments and data analysis in a lab focused on traumatic brain injury. Utilize techniques like whole-cell recording and two-photon microscopy. Supervise undergraduate students and contribute to research publications.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

14 PostDoctoral Positions at University of Southern California US

Postdoctoral Position in Neurogenomics

Summary: Explore the neurogenomic basis of species discrimination in darter fishes. Perform research involving behavioral observations, transcriptomics, and immunohistochemistry. Participate in lab maintenance and team activities.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology

Department: Health Science Center
Summary: Lead research on mitochondria’s role in innate immunity. Explore signaling mechanisms and inflammatory responses in animal models of mitochondrial disease.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Physics and Astronomy

Department: Department of Physics and Astronomy
Summary: Engage in research across applied physics, quantum optics, and more. Contribute to both graduate and undergraduate education and participate in extensive outreach programs.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Nuclear Research

Department: Cyclotron Institute
Summary: Work at the DOE-supported Cyclotron Institute on projects involving space science, materials science, and nuclear medicine. Collaborate with a large team of scientists, engineers, and students.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Optics and Laser Physics

Summary: Conduct theoretical research in quantum optics and laser physics. Interact with experimentalists and supervise graduate students.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

19 PostDoc Positions at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute United States

Postdoctoral Position in Public Health

Department: Texas A&M School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior
Summary: Assist with social and behavioral research projects. Tasks include literature review, data collection and analysis, and supervising students.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Orthodontics

Department: School of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics
Summary: Support research and administrative tasks in a fast-paced orthodontics department. Requires strong organizational skills and the ability to manage high-volume environments.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Biomedical Sciences

Department: School of Dentistry, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Summary: Assist with research and administrative duties in the Biomedical Sciences department, supporting executives in a high-demand environment.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

31 Postdoctoral Positions at Universityof Virginia, United States

Postdoctoral Position in Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy

Summary: Gain specialized clinical training in treating PTSD and substance use disorders. Work on an NIH-funded clinical trial involving cognitive processing therapy and behavioral therapy.
Deadline: Open Until Filled

Postdoctoral Position in Low Energy Nuclear Physics

Summary: Conduct research in low-energy nuclear physics at CENTAUR. Use heavy ion beams from the Cyclotron Institute and collaborate on experiments that support the National Nuclear Security Administration’s mission.
Deadline: Open Until Filled


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