You are currently viewing 31 Postdoctoral Positions at Universityof Virginia, United States

31 Postdoctoral Positions at Universityof Virginia, United States

The University of Virginia in United States invites application for vacant Postdoctoral positions. The University of Virginia, a renowned public research institution in Charlottesville founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819.

We welcome passionate and innovative researchers from diverse backgrounds to join our vibrant academic community. If you are ready to advance your career and make a significant impact in your field, we encourage you to apply.

Postdoctoral Research Associate – Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

The Zhang Lab in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at University of Virginia School of Medicine is seeking a highly motivated, organized and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associate for high-throughput proteomic studies. The Zhang lab focuses on the development and application of mass spectrometry-based methods for identification of key players in cancer biology and drug discovery. We integrate high-throughput proteomic, genetic, chemical, bioinformatics tools to dissect the regulatory mechanisms involved in cancer development and treatment.


Research Associate -Levental Lab

Professor Llya Levental’ s Lab in the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics at the University of Virginia seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The position will remain open until filled.  This is an exempt-level, benefitted position. The University will perform background checks on all new hires prior to employment.  A pre-employment health screening is required. This position is located in Charlottesville, VA.

For more opportunities, visit Scholarship River

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Surgery

The Department of Surgery seeks multiple Postdoctoral Research Associates to conduct research in the laboratory of Dr. Melina Kibbe and Dr. Nick Tsihlis. The laboratory pursues basic science and translational research in the fields of vascular biology, biomedical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, and device development, among others. The Kibbe-Tsihlis Lab consists of a multidisciplinary group where scientists and physicians work together to achieve a common goal. We are looking for extremely talented and highly motivated candidates to work on the development, characterization, and evaluation of novel drug-eluting therapies for patients with vascular disease, inhalation burn injury, and/or hemorrhage. Specifically, the research involves the fields of nanomedicine, biomaterials, polymer chemistry, and vascular biology.

The project start date for the Research Associates is July 2024.


Research Associate in Environmental Sciences

Department of Environmental Sciences invites applicants for a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Virginia, to work on quantifying and predicting forest soil biogeochemical processes that control nutrient and toxic element ecosystem services in forests of the eastern United States.


Research Associate in Environmental Sciences

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will work as part of a team of scientists involved in the Palmer, Antarctica Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project. The focus is primarily on the response of Antarctic polar ocean planktonic ecosystems and biogeochemistry to climate change. Research duties will include a mix of data analysis, numerical model development, and satellite remote sensing. The Postdoctoral Research Associate will present their findings at national scientific conferences and publish in high impact, peer-reviewed journals.


Research Associate in Electrical and Computer Science

The University of Virginia, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is seeking applicants for Research Associate positions to work in the lab of Professor Joe Campbell. At present the research in this group is focused on two areas related to photodetectors. The first is using new materials and novel structures to minimize the excess noise of avalanche photodiodes. The second research area focuses on photodetectors for microwave photonics. The emphasis is high speed, high responsivity, and high saturation current.


Research Associate in Physics

The Department of Physics at the University of Virginia invites applicants for a post-doctoral research associate position to work in quantum optics and quantum information.

The successful candidate will join the Quantum Fields and Quantum Information group, under the direction of Prof. Olivier Pfister, and will conduct experimental research (and, possibly, theoretical research) on the implementation of quantum computing using continuous-variable quantum optics in free space. A strong collaborative context on on-chip quantum photonics exists with the group of Prof. Xu Yi, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The successful candidate will be expected to lead research projects in the Pfister group, working independently and in teams, and assisting with advising graduate students.


29 PostDoctoral Positions Available At Indiana University, United States

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cliffe Lab

The Cliffe lab in the UVA School of Medicine is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The Cliffe lab ( is part of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology. Our laboratory is focused on the mechanisms and consequences of long-term Herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the nervous system, using multiple novel model systems. As part of a multi-PI grant, we are investigating the long-term impact of HSV infection on neuronal biology and the contribution to neurodegenerative disease. The project involves aspects of virology, neuronal cell biology, and neuroimmunology and is based on strong preliminary data. The successful applicant will be part of a multidisciplinary team assembled to use a novel model of HSV-associated neurodegeneration disease, with the ability to gain experience in in vivo and in vitro models of HSV infection, along with cutting-edge single-cell approaches. The project can be broadened to investigate the consequence of HSV infection on neuronal biology using existing experimental models available in the Cliffe lab. The position would be ideal for anyone with an interest in infections of the nervous system and/or neurodegenerative disease. The ideal candidates will have a PhD with experience in relevant areas of biology, first-author publication(s), and the ability to work well in a highly interactive, creative, and collaborative environment.


Research Associate in Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia is seeking a Research Associate (Postdoctoral level) to work under the supervision of Dr. Xu Yi, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The successful candidate will participate in a project accelerating the development of integration in quantum squeezed light generation and detection. The position entails skills of cleanroom fabrication, numerical simulation of integrated photonic components, and integrated photonic measurements.


Research Associate, The Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center

The Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC) at the University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine is currently seeking a Research Associate (post-doctoral research fellow), MD or PhD, to work and study in an NIH-funded laboratory directed by Dr. Brant Isakson. The laboratory has long-standing interests in intercellular communication within the vasculature, from the molecular up to whole animal level, including translational endeavors. The lab uses a vast array of techniques and specialized mouse lines. Current studies focused on the cell biology of pannexin channels are especially interesting and an area of active research we would like to recruit to.


Research Associate in Arts Leadership

The Art Department at the University of Virginia invites applications for a 1-year postdoctoral Research Associate in Arts Leadership beginning in August 2024. The fellow will have a 2/2 teaching load and a 1/1 research load.


Research Associate in Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Virginia is seeking a Research Associate (Postdoctoral level) to work under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Paolucci, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering.

The successful candidate will participate in a project accelerating the development of catalysts used for production of chemicals from transient operation. The position entails kinetic simulations for multi-phase systems, non-linear-dynamics, and machine-learning based optimizations of reactor protocols.


Research Associate in Computer Science

The Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia is recruiting highly motivate and innovative candidates to collaborate on projects that involve Cryptography, Economics and Blockchains. We welcome candidates with experience in areas including theory of computation, AI, and economics.  The successful applicant will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team to develop decentralized market platforms to allocate scarce resources.


Postdoc to Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

The University of Virginia School of Nursing is seeking to hire scholars with a developing program of research to become postdoctoral fellows and, upon successful completion of the specified deliverables during the two-year fellowship, receive a direct appointment to our tenure-track faculty as an Assistant Professor.

This is a unique opportunity to establish and accelerate your program of research at a world-class research institution. Postdoctoral fellows will be paired with a faculty mentor and develop an individualized training plan to accomplish their research goals. After two successful years, fellows will transition into a tenure-track assistant professor role.


92 PostDoctoral Position at Riken Institute, Japan

Research Associate in Physics

The Department of Physics at the University of Virginia invites applicants for a post-doctoral research associate position to work on SBS, MOLLER, and SoLID projects at Jefferson Lab. The successful candidate will join the research group of Professor Nilanga Liyanage and Dr. Huong Nguyen. The research of the group is focused on precision studies of nucleon structure at large momentum transfers, and searches for physics beyond the standard model. The group is also leading a large program to develop Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) based particle tracking systems for ongoing and future experiments at Jefferson Lab and at the  Electron Ion Collider (EIC). The successful candidate will be expected to make significant contributions to physics analysis of SBS and MOLLER projects, to the MPGD program, and in the development of new physics ideas within SBS and SoLID programs.


Post-doctoral Research Associate

The lab focuses on spatial organization of eukaryotic cell biology, investigating cytoskeleton-based mechanisms of epithelial and neuronal morphogenesis. Current projects center on three research areas: 1) neurite morphogenesis and outgrowth, 2) cancer cell invasion (invadopodia), 3) spatial control of intracellular transport. Approaches include cutting-edge super- and high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, in vitro reconstitution, biochemistry, protein pharmacological and gene targeting methods, 3D organoids and proteomics.


Research Associate – Wythe Lab

The Wythe Lab has an open position for a postdoctoral research associate to manage research projects, train junior scientists, and help maintain a dynamic laboratory environment. We attack biological questions on multiple fronts, using gold standard genetic models-such as the mouse and zebrafish, cutting edge imaging techniques (lightsheet, micro-CT), genome-wide analyses (both bulk RNA-seq and scRNA-seq, as well as ATAC-seq, etc), and classical biochemistry to solve key problems in cardiovascular development and disease. Current projects are focused on vascular biology in malignant brain cancer (glioma) and vascular anomalies within the brain.


Postdoctoral Research Associate

The Agaisse Lab is advertising post-doctoral positions available for training in the field of bacterial pathogenesis. The Agaisse Lab studies the intracellular pathogen Shigella flexneri, which causes approximately 270 million cases of bacillary dysentery (blood in stool) worldwide every year, resulting in more than 200,000 deaths. A multi-disciplinary approach will be undertaken to understand the mechanisms supporting the disease, including molecular and cellular microbiology, high-throughput imaging, live confocal microscopy, bacterial and host cell genomics, bioinformatics and the use of newly developed and unique animal models of pathogenesis.


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Digital Technology and Healthy Youth Development, University of Virginia

We are inviting applicants for postdoctoral research associates who would support a project related to the Grand Challenge’s focus on digital technology and youth (ages 11-25) mental health. The Grand Challenge aims to foster a collaborative, interdisciplinary community conducting cutting edge research about both the impact of digital technology on healthy and unhealthy youth development, and its potential to advance intervention and prevention solutions. Projects aligned with this Grand Challenge advance understanding of the role of digital technologies in healthy development, and the ways that generation and dissemination of digital mental health programs can help address the youth mental health crisis.


Postdoctoral Research Associate: Climate-Related Diseases and Disparities

The Environmental Institute (EI) at the University of Virginia (UVA) is seeking a postdoctoral Research Associate to join its Climate Fellows Postdoc Program. The selected candidate will work with an interdisciplinary team of faculty mentors and researchers to realize the goals of a project investigating the underlying causes of climate-related diseases and disparities in Virginia.

This research investigates racial, ethnic, and gender differences in health responses to climate factors. Utilizing patient-level information, including data from the CDC Social Vulnerability Index, state agencies, and U.S. Census Data, the project aims to uncover underlying factors contributing to health disparities in the face of climate challenges, such as extreme heat exposure.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will address key questions related to disease patterns, economic differences, and healthcare quality. Findings will inform targeted public health messaging and advance understanding of population responses to climate extremes, aiding preparation for future climate-related contingencies.


Research Associate, Sonkusare Laboratory, The Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research (UVA)

The Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC) is currently seeking a Research Associate to investigate the calcium signaling mechanisms and ion channels in systemic and pulmonary vasculature within the Sonkusare Laboratory. The Sonkusare Laboratory employs state-of-the-art calcium imaging, superresolution imaging, patch-clamp electrophysiology, pressure myography, radiotelemetric blood pressure measurements, and cell-specific knockout mouse models. The overarching goal of the laboratory is to discover novel strategies for rescuing vascular dysfunction in cardiovascular disorders.


Research Associate, Department of Public Health Sciences

The Yang Lab (PI: Yaohua Yang) at the Center for Public Health Genomics (CPHG), Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine is seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate in the field of Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology. The research program in the lab focuses on identifying genetic and molecular biomarkers for cancer risk and prognosis and investigating microbiome-host interactions in cancer development, by integrative analyses of multi-level omics data.


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ophthalmology

The candidate must be a strong communicator who works well in a team setting. Good command of written and spoken English is also essential. The ideal candidate will possess significant ophthalmology knowledge and ophthalmic microsurgical experience, or basic science knowledge using advanced techniques in one or more fields encompassing molecular biology or bioinformatics, biochemistry, genomics, protein isolation and characterization, Western, IP, 2-DIGE, ELISA, immunofluorescence, confocal microscopy, RNA isolation and characterization, qPCR, oligo-arrays, in vivo imaging, cell culture and transfection. The candidate will be involved in performing COVID-19-related ophthalmic research to alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Public Health Sciences

The University of Virginia Department of Public Health Sciences in the School of Medicine is seeking highly qualified applicants for a one-year Postdoctoral Research Associate position, with the possibility of extension to three years based on an annual basis dependent upon satisfactory performance and the availability of funding.

The postdoctoral associate will engage in mentored research in population data-driven health services and policy research aimed at improving access to, outcomes of, and equity in cancer care delivery and outcomes.


17 Fully Funded Posdoctoral Positions at Calgary University Canada

Post Doc Research Associate

The work of the Garcia-Blanco lab impacts directly on two critical problems in human health: acute viral infections and autoimmune diseases. Under the supervision of Dr. Mariano Garcia-Blanco, the research associate will participate in laboratory projects involving a combination of immunology, RNA Biology, microscopy and small animal (mice) techniques. The research associate should have experience and proficiency in PCR amplification, Western blotting and plasmid construction. Additionally, the research associate should have experience in cell culture and small animal handling with a focus on accuracy and attention to detail. In addition to the above job responsibilities, other duties may be assigned.


Postdoctoral Research Associate in Contagion Science | Biocomplexity Institute

The Biocomplexity Institute (BI) at the University of Virginia integrates scientific research – from genetic sequencing to policy analysis – to tackle the complex task of understanding massively interacting systems and predict solutions to issues impacting human health, well-being, and habitat. We collaborate across many disciplines to discover connections between health, information networks, security, and infrastructure. The foundation of our methodology lies in information biology – the synthesis of mathematics, computation, informatics, and biology. We approach complex problem solving by assembling teams of experts in a variety of fields to work together to create solutions that challenge the very fields in which the teams operate.


Research Associate, Radiation Oncology

The Department of Radiation Oncology seeks to hire a Research Associate to study the role of the ubiquitin system in regulating cell cycle progression, genomic stability and cellular response to ionizing radiation. The incumbent will perform biochemical and genetic studies to identify novel ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinases involved in the sensing and repairing of DNA damage in response to ionizing radiation. The successful candidate is expected to work independently and perform research on his/her own initiative and to collaborate with fellow students in the lab and department.

Candidates must have a PhD and/or MD.  Experience in protein ubiquitylation, DNA damage/repair, and chromatin biology is preferred. Candidates with significant expertise in genome-wide screening (siRNA/shRNA and CRISPR/Cas9_based screening) and/or the ability to use computational resources to analyze large datasets are highly encouraged to apply.


Research Associate in Chemistry

The Pires research group has recently demonstrated that several cell wall biosynthetic enzymes display broad substrate promiscuity. Their research team has pioneered a novel strategy to graft haptens onto bacterial surfaces to recruit endogenous antibodies with the ultimate goal of enlisting the immune system to clear bacterial infections. Moving forward, the Pires laboratory will develop a transformative class of cell wall probes that reveal key features of cell wall sensing and remodeling dynamics in live cells. Their advances in this area demonstrate that their research team can be highly competitive as they expand their methodologies to elucidate how bacterial cell walls are detected by the human immune system and how cell wall structural modifications control bacterial drug resistant phenotypes.


Research Associate

The Reproductive Psychiatry Research Program in the Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences Department at the University of Virginia seeks a Research Associate to assist investigators in exploring the biological differences between postpartum depression that is and is not associated with a particular epigenetic signature. The Research Associate will oversee the day-to-day operation of projects, confer with the PI (Dr. Jennifer Payne) in developing plans for research projects, discuss the interpretation of results and prepare scientific manuscripts for publication.


Post Doctoral Research Associate – Division of Cardiology

The Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, at the University of Virginia is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate with a keen interest in sex differences in cardiovascular disease and the development of novel therapies for coronary microvascular disease. The research program focuses on clinical translation and the development and validation of existing and novel cardiac imaging-based biomarkers.

The successful candidate will contribute to day-to-day laboratory operations, provide scientific and technical assistance on experimental design, and perform studies needed to advance the missions of our research program.


Postdoctoral Research Associate, Public Health

This position is part of the Provost’s Office Grand Challenges Precision Health Initiative which will support transdisciplinary research and training to optimize health outcomes for individuals and entire populations, across a wide range of complex and chronic diseases. The UVA Precision Health Initiative will conduct research that will engage populations in Virginia to generate new discoveries that could improve the health of all Virginians.

The candidate will be asked to support implementation of projects focused on health equity and community engagement in conjunction with faculty from the School of Medicine (Department of Public Health and Center for Public Health Genomics) and the School of Nursing (Department of Family, Community and Mental Health Systems). Mentorship will be provided by senior colleagues Drs. Keith Keene, Ishan Williams, and Kelsie Kelly Smith. Candidates will receive mentorship and training in precision health, including health equity, community based participatory research, community needs assessments, data analysis, inclusive approaches to establishing and advancing community partnerships, and related grant writing.

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